Turkish cheese suppliers and manufacturers, cheese manufactures suppliers of turkey
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Turkish Cheese Suppliers and Manufacturers, Cheese Manufactures Suppliers of Turkey

Cheese, which started to be produced thousands of years ago in the world and diversified with different flavors over time, is indispensable especially for breakfasts. Turkey is almost a cheese paradise with dozens of cheese types produced in homes and modern facilities in all corners of the country. Cheese, each of which has different flavors,...

Cheese, which started to be produced thousands of years ago in the world and diversified with different flavors over time, is indispensable especially for breakfasts. Turkey is almost a cheese paradise with dozens of cheese types produced in homes and modern facilities in all corners of the country. Cheese, each of which has different flavors, prepared with different methods and for which festivals are organized, is also among the important food sources in Turkish cuisine.

Ezine Cheese

The cheese unique to Edirne and Thrace is known for being full-fat and natural. Edirne ezine cheese has a distinctive feature from other cheeses with its slippery feeling in the mouth and its sour taste. Producers explain the main feature of Edirne cheese as the feeling of re-eating when eaten. Salt and yeast are the other elements that add flavor to the taste of Edirne cheese, which takes its flavor from the milk of cows, goats and sheep that are fed naturally with different kinds of grasses of Edirne.

Ezine cheese

Konya Moldy Cheese

Naturally molded Konya moldy cheese is usually produced in places such as Karapınar, Ereğli, Cihanbeyli, where sheep breeding is intense. Moldy cheese is produced from skimmed sheep’s milk, especially in rural areas. Removing the oil prevents the formation of aflatoxin as it causes natural mold growth. It is a dispersible Tulum cheese with a highly accentuated, aromatic flavor.

Berendi and Divle Tulum Cheese

Berendi and Divle tulum cheese, produced in and around Ereğli district and Ayrancı district of Karaman, is one of our most popular types of cheese. Berendi Tulum cheese is produced in modern facilities using pasteurized cow’s milk. Divle Tulum Cheese, on the other hand, is made entirely by traditional methods, by collecting milk from the sheep during the period between May and mid-June when milk is plentiful. While the produced cheese is ripened in the sinkholes, this tulum cheese reaches a different flavor as the reddish mold layer originating from the rock structure of the cave penetrates the skin of the overalls. A quality Berendi and Divle cheese should be homogeneous, light yellow in color, unwatered and smooth.

Turkish cheese suppliers and manufacturers, cheese manufactures suppliers of turkey

Pottery Cheese

Pottery cheese is produced by straining fresh sheep’s or cow’s cheese and then pressing it into pots. The fresh cheese in the form of molds is first placed in cloth bags and pressed with stone pieces on it, so that the whey in it flows out. This process, called printing, takes 2 days. Fresh cheese, which has lost its water, is then crumbled by hand and laid out on a cloth and salted. Add some black cumin to the crumbled cheese. The cheese, which is salted and kept for a day, is pressed into the pots. The pots, which are covered with frozen oil, are then buried in the rock-cut caves or in the moist sand prepared on the ground floor of the houses and left to mature.

Kars Gruyere

Gruyere cheese, which takes the first place after the production of cheddar, tulum and white cheese produced in Kars and its surroundings, is also called Kars cheese or Kars Gruyere and has a very laborious production. Produced in Boğatepe Village, which has Turkey’s first cheese museum, Kars Gruyere has a strong aroma. A good Kars gruyere should be yellow in color, with a dark crust and a hole an inch or two in diameter.

Turkish cheese suppliers and manufacturers, cheese manufactures suppliers of turkey

Belly Cream Cheese

Another type of cheese made in Kars is snow cream cheese, which is mostly produced in Sarıkamış district under home conditions. Fermented cow’s milk is then pressed in cloth bags and left to drain. After this process, which lasts for about 18 hours, 3 percent salt is added into the opened bag, the clot is crumbled, and a certain amount of cream or butter is added and kneaded. It is then placed in cleaned and dried animal rumen. Pressure is applied by closing the mouth tightly and leaving it on a flat surface. The printing process continues for 3 days and then it is hung on the ropes and left to mature for 3 months in a cool place.

Varto Goat Cheese

After the goat’s milk is heated in the sun at a certain rate, yeast is added to form a clot, and this clot is broken down slightly and kept in linen-style cloth bags without large pores for a while. It is hung in the bag for at least 12 hours, and the water is filtered, then it becomes goat cheese.

Turkish cheese suppliers and manufacturers, cheese manufactures suppliers of turkey

Erzurum Civil Cheese

Civil cheese unique to Erzurum is made from skimmed cow or sheep milk. In some regions, it is known with names such as tel cheese, çecil cheese, fringe cheese, tongue cheese. Civil cheese is made from raw milk. As a result of keeping the milk for a while, the milk reaches a certain sourness and civil cheese gets its real taste from this sourness. Civil cheese has a soft consistency and can be easily separated by hand. It is known for its salty and slightly sour taste.

Braided Cheese

The braided cheese of Diyarbakir, which decorates the table of almost every house in the Southeastern Anatolia Region, is obtained by fermenting sheep, cow or goat milk, especially in May and June. The cheese, which has been waiting for about 2 hours, is taken from the container in which it is fermented, sliced ​​and thrown into boiling water in a saucepan. The cheese, which melts well in water, is taken with the help of a colander and kneaded in another place for 6-7 minutes. The cheese, which is made into dough, is made ready for consumption by braiding it like hair in strips and pressing whey and salt water. Having undergone the same process, the plant called kirkor, which is more common in the high parts of Diyarbakir and has a sharp smell, is finely chopped and kneaded with cheese, and takes its place on the tables under the name of lavash or round cheese.

Turkish cheese suppliers and manufacturers, cheese manufactures suppliers of turkey

Cube Cheese

It is a type of cheese produced in Sivas and its districts. Cube cheese, which is usually started in the spring, is made from cow’s milk as fresh cheese. The cheese, which is sliced ​​and placed in earthen cubes or plastic drums after the water is removed, is salted abundantly and compressed. After putting a cloth cover on the mouth of the cheese, the lid of the cube or jar is closed. The inverted cube or jar is buried halfway into the ground, usually in the basements of the houses, which are cool, with the mouth of the jar down. The water of the cheese, which is kept for about 3 months, is filtered during this period, and its color, smell and taste changes.

String Cheese

String cheese, made from milk obtained from cows fed in the eastern Black Sea highlands, is a yellowish-colored, fibrous, elongated, low-salt cheese similar to cheddar cheese. String cheese can be produced in all seasons. However, the most suitable period for the consumer’s taste is the winter months when the air temperature is low and the souring decreases.

Turkish cheese suppliers and manufacturers, cheese manufactures suppliers of turkey

Abaza Cheese and Circassian Cheese

Among the cheese types produced locally in Sakarya, Abaza and Circassian cheese stand out. Abaza cheese is a slightly salty, low-fat, braided and fibrous cheese. The preparation of Abaza cheese is not much different from Circassian cheese. According to the maturation period, its color becomes white, cream, creamy yellow. Çerkez Cheese is a type of cheese made by families of Circassian origin in the Adapazarı, Bolu and Balıkesir regions. The most famous ones are in Hendek and Düzce regions. It is a low-salt, cream-colored, elastic, flattened cheese that makes an elastic sound when eaten, and is recommended to be eaten fresh.

Smoked Abaza Cheese

Smoked Abaza Cheese is highly mixed with Smoked Circassian Cheese. When you see this cheese as a whole, you may think of a loaf of bread. Abaza cheese is produced by families of Abaza origin living in the Marmara Region. Full-fat cow’s milk is converted into cheese with traditional yeast. Fresh cheese is thrown into boiling water and knitted with the cheese dough obtained, it is shaped like a round pita. After the cheese is rested for a while, it is soaked in the hazelnut shell for two or three days, allowing it to remove its moisture. It is a very delicious cheese with its creamy taste and smokey aroma. Abaza cheese can also be consumed by melting it in a pan.

Turkish cheese suppliers and manufacturers, cheese manufactures suppliers of turkey

Van Herby Cheese

Van’s traditional herbed cheese is made in spring, usually from sheep’s milk and using various herbs. Herbed cheese mostly uses wild herbs such as sirmo (wild garlic), mendo, helix, siabo, mint and thyme. It is produced in different cities of Eastern Anatolia. But the herbed cheese produced in the Van region is more well-known because it differs in terms of both flavor and smell.

Dish Cheese

Bowl cheese, which is prepared with the milk obtained in July and August in Yozgat and buried in the ground in bowls, is extracted from the soil in autumn and consumed in the winter season.

Malatya Cheese

Malatya cheese, which is usually produced in villages, is produced by fermenting raw milk with rennet, without extracting the fat and dry matter. After the fermented cheese is cut, its water is removed and compressed between two boards on which weight is placed. After the cheese is boiled, it is put in brine.

Turkish cheese suppliers and manufacturers, cheese manufactures suppliers of turkey

Izmir Tulum

İzmir overalls are produced in dairy farms in Ödemiş, Menemen, Tire and other districts besides İzmir. It is actually made from sheep’s milk, but it is also produced by mixing with cow’s and goat’s milk. In traditional Tulum cheeses, the cheese is ripened on the hairless side of the Tulum, while İzmir Tulum is ripened on the shaved hairy side. While traditional Tulum cheeses are in a single mass, Izmir Tulum is in molds. But now leather has been replaced by tin. This change appears as İzmir tin overalls instead of İzmir overalls. Izmir Tulum is harder and saltier than feta cheese. There should be uniformly spread eyes the size of a pinhead on the cheese.

Bergama Tulum Cheese

Bergama Tulum Cheese, which has started to spread in the Izmir region and its districts and villages, is one of the most delicious Tulum cheeses in our country. Bergama Tulum Cheese is produced only from sheep’s milk. For this reason, it is also called sheep tulum cheese. Although they say that İzmir baguette and Bergama baguette are the same, the taste of Bergama Tulum is more dominant and aromatic.

Turkish cheese suppliers and manufacturers, cheese manufactures suppliers of turkey

Seferihisar Armory

This cheese is said to come from Albanian culture. It has a slightly salty and sour taste, spreadable consistency, dirty white, yellowish color. The original armola was made by pouring yoghurt on the remaining crumbs after the leather cheese was finished, and waiting for a few days, adding goat’s milk to it and hanging it on a tree in the open area for 10-15 days. Today, it is made by mixing crumbs of white cheese and curd and pressing into a bag.

Kopanisti Cheese

Kopanisti cheese, which is produced only in homes in Çeşme, Dikili and Foça, especially in Karaburun, is made by kneading goat milk or goat-sheep milk mixture every day for about a month. The bitter taste in curd left at room temperature during its production causes this cheese to be called bitter cheese in some regions. It has a unique smell and taste.

Tire Mud Cheese

Mud cheese is one of the cheeses known in the districts of Tire and Ödemiş, among the local flavors of İzmir. Mud cheese, which is obtained by mixing fatty Tulum curd made of goat or goat-sheep milk mixture with whey, is generally consumed by spreading it on bread because it has the consistency of cream cheese. Mud cheese is also used as a dressing for salads.

Turkish cheese suppliers and manufacturers, cheese manufactures suppliers of turkey

Pistachio Cheese

Antep cheese, which is produced from cow, goat or sheep milk in Gaziantep, is in the form of small lumps in appearance. This cheese, which has a white glossy appearance and a hard texture, is called milk-sucking because of its intense milk smell and milky taste on the palate. These cheeses, which are salt-free because they are put in brine for the winter period, become hard, and because the salt rate increases, they are consumed by keeping them in water before consumption.

Manyas (Mihaliç) Cheese

Manyas cheese, also known as Mihaliç because it was produced for the first time in the Karacabey district of Bursa, formerly known as Mihaliç, is a large porous, slightly colored, oily and salty cheese with a thin and white crust on the outside. Manyas Cheese is produced by mixing cow and sheep milk. The process of releasing Manyas cheese to the counters covers a period of 6 months.

Turkish cheese suppliers and manufacturers, cheese manufactures suppliers of turkey

Raw Cut Cheese

Cheese, known as raw cuts, made from the milk of sheep raised in Alaçam and the surrounding plateaus in Samsun, has its own unique style and taste. The flavor of raw cut cheese comes from the milk obtained from sheep fed on many types of grass, especially thyme, in the highlands.

Turkish cheese suppliers and manufacturers, cheese manufactures suppliers of turkey

Çorum Pike Overalls

Çorum Kargı Tulum is a world-renowned tulum cheese that is in the top 3 of all gourmets. It can be produced only from sheep, goat or cow milk, or it can be made by mixing these milks. As soon as the milk is milked in the plateau, it is immediately fermented at the body temperature of the animal. The curd is placed in clean cloth bags and allowed to drain, then the whey is removed by placing a weight on it. Add salt to the curd and knead it well. The kneaded cheeses are transferred to a large bag by pressing them tightly. Every 15 days, the bags are emptied onto a clean sheet, the cheeses are combined and kneaded repeatedly and pressed into the bags again. After 4-5 months, it is compressed into special leather overalls prepared at home in such a way that there is no air left, and presented to the market.

Thrace Cheddar Cheese

Every year, cheddar cheese production in Thrace starts in May and ends in July. The cheeses produced in these months, when sheep and goat milk are abundant, are kept in the icehouse for at least 6 months in order to mature and be delicious. The flavor of the Thracian cheddar comes from the milk of small cattle fed with different plants on the outskirts of Istranca. Kırklareli ranks first in Thrace cheddar production. Thracian cheddar is a light lemon color. Cheddar cheese stored in the refrigerator should not be consumed as soon as it is taken out of the refrigerator, but should be consumed after waiting for a while.

Turkish cheese suppliers and manufacturers, cheese manufactures suppliers of turkey

Cinderella Cheese

The Külek Cheese, produced in Vakfikebir and its region, which is the district of Trabzon, takes its name from the wooden buckets in which it is ripened. Minci and Koleti cheese, two different cheeses of the Black Sea Region, are matured by pressing together in these buckets made of spruce wood, layer by layer. Külek cheese, which is made by aging for 3-4 months, is made with cow’s milk, it is a very unique cheese with low salt, yellow and white color together. It can also be consumed by melting it in butter with breakfast.

Diaper Overalls

Mersin Bezde Tulum is a cheese in the class of Tulum cheese, as the name suggests, it is ripened by hiding in cotton cloths. It is a very delicious cheese that contains less salt, creamy flavors, has a soft structure and is long lasting on the palate.

Turkish cheese suppliers and manufacturers, cheese manufactures suppliers of turkey

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